The ocean is swallowed
Its vastness becomes narrow in the
mouth of trees
quenched by
muddy, salty, shallowness.
No village in sight — If you don’t
where to look.
Hidden in plain view
see you
There is no warning for being
Only heartbeats and heavy breaths
drifting into the unknown —
Too, swallowed by the island.
No choice but to keep trudging
The only way out is backward.
— even if.
It all looks the same ; every direction:
Canopies drape hollowed trunks
Blue birds nestle on branches
Water snakes hide on shores
trying to digest dinner.
The way the bamboo
the water
directing the bangka boat to land is an art.
Survival is the only option.
You learn or you die.
— there is no in between —
The jungle makes no promises to the people.
Shelter is not a given during the passing storm.
Mother will take back hers if
She doesn’t feel honored or respected.
This land is not free.
It comes with a price.
Who will pay is beyond personal choice.
The ocean in its vastness is still
swallowed by the island.
— even if.
For a moment the swallowing is returned.
the ocean retreats
restoring balance.
Life is simple here ; it’s not easy.
It’s probably one of the hardest places.
To live.
— and still.
Smiles can be found
in the early wakeup calls by brother rooster.
Laughter can be heard
well past the sun’s slumber.
— and love.
Love is found in the eyes.
The many eyes that
keep the village alive.
Perhaps —
Getting here is a journey.
The gift of being here ; A treasure swallowed
By memories of the mind and heart.
C) 2019 Signature MiMi